The ideal space, is a space that in its material presence and energy connects people to themselves, their inner selves, to nature, to presence.

Making sacred space

Elemental Buildings is a philosophy which outlines SASA’s approach to architecture. It is rooted in three key principles and processes – the steps we take when we design any space.

Observe - The first rule is to Observe, observe the movements of the day and night in different seasons. Notice what is around the nature, the trees, other structures, rocks, birds, how all of these play their part. Notice the qualities that you would like to call in…the Autumn evening sun? Each particular place has its own elemental make up – no space is the same. So how to place a structure within the land? The winter day sun? the shade of the trees in Summer, where is the place that best suits those qualities. A site my not be perfect yet the design intention can bring in the qualities that it lacks…this is the creative art of Making Space.


Preparation - it is important to question the aspects you are inviting into the creative process. The ideal space, is a space that in its material presence and energy connects people to themselves, their inner selves, to nature, to presence. There are of course many spaces that align with us, we all have encountered that space whether it is a public square or a cathedral, a temple, a restaurant, a small cabin, each can be a sacred space. There are many aspects that need to be brought together when thinking about creating space, primarily aligning cosmic essences with the earthly elements, the meeting of the material world with the ‘immaterial’ world. By immaterial I mean, the felt world, as felt by the senses, or the phenomenological essence of a space, that essence or resonance one feels when entering a space, wether it puts you ‘at ease’ or not. Our bodies instinctively feel the essence of space and if we resonate with that space it puts us ‘at ease’, in this case we attune ourself to the vibration of the space. If the opposite is the case it will create unease.

The skill of the architect when creating a space is to align with the true essence that will best serve the place and the beings that come to occupy it.

Resonance - Instinctively our bodies tune into a resonance of a place, like tuning forks. I try to understand my affinity with vernacular architecture, buildings built of local materials and skills. Here many generations have created a system and way of creating something that works for that particular local environment. These buildings often have found a harmony or resonance with their place. Bringing new materials to a place from other lands brings a challenge to align, resonate these materials with what exists in the local. Each decision has a resonance – the shape of a space has a resonance - the materials used to create a space have resonance – how the materials are put together or crafted has a resonance - the qualities of night and day that you allow into the space have resonance - the consideration in which you approach the idea of making space has a resonance – the land will come with its own resonance. How to bring together all these elements to create a harmony and call in the qualities you are seeking.

Maheshwar temple complex on the river Narmada - India

Intuition - True intuition is the energy to start this task. By ‘true intuition’ I mean, seeking the highest purpose for all that may encounter the space. This means every decision needs to be based on this philosophy. This way of making space may not be a conventional path – may not be the way you are used to seeing things constructed – but this will create a space that has all the qualities to uplift those that encounter its presence. It will resonate with the frequency of those that encounter it and unconsciously lift that frequency to a higher place. In this knowing there is that remembrance that we are all connected, there is no dual and every action even thought has a vibration and is received by all.

Rhythm Geometry- In the Timaeus, in which Plato presents an elaborate account of the formation of the universe, he makes clear that continuous geometric proportion is the best of all bonds. If you examine charts of the movements of the moon or the planets around the sun, you will see there is formed beautiful geometric shapes that repeat with each cycle. It is the same if you look into nature on the quantum scale and witness the perfect geometric shapes and repeat patterns. Studies of the frequency of sound show the perfect geometrical patterns formed when sound is channelled into material form, these patterns change with each frequency. Studies of water also show the perfect crystals that are formed when water in its purist form, as in a mountain spring or as in snow flakes. Like nature our bodies are in rhythm with the cycles of the day, night, the moon, the planets, the stars, there is a geometry, within our proportion. There is a something of a mystery in an understanding of the patterns of nature, that can be part understood in the golden section, or the Fibonacci sequence, yet the defining force that characterises these patterns in nature will always be the Great mystery. There is something inspiring by this, that ongoing life enquiry into this Great Mystery, that somehow our intuitive knowing understands, yet our logical mind can never grasp!

Craig May 7th 2023